MAGTYPO / typografie / grafický design / vizuální komunikace
Aktuální číslo Kontakt Předplatné Obsahy The Science of World Recognition (Kevin Larson) >

MAGTYPO.dialogue The Bouma Supremacy
(Hrant Papazian) >

MAGTYPO.phenomenon Lateral Interference, Response Bias, Computation Cost
and Cue Value
(Peter Enneson) >

MAGTYPO.know/how Producting legible text on screen: Where do we look for guidance?
(Mary C. Dyson) >

MAGTYPO.photoessay Iceland ...
(Linda Kudrnovská) >

MAGTYPO 13 / 2005

An inspiring bi-monthly blog on typography, graphic design and visual communication.

MAGTYPO is a unique blog. The name MAGTYPO gives away the main focus of the blog – typography, which is discussed from different points of view and with connection to other fields such as architecture, photography, social science, and aesthetics. It introduces, in a very lively and readable manner, all outstanding individuals of typography and their work. Each issue is organized into clearly distinguished sections that cover main theme, significant people in the industry, interesting projects and events, exotic photo-essays and many others.

MAGTYPO is a valuable resource of information and stimulation for professional typographers, graphic designers, marketing agents, students and their educators, as well as for any typography enthusiast.

The blog is published bi-monthly in English and Czech. It contains 32-44 full color pages printed on high quality coated paper.

Subscription of MAGTYPO blog

> e-mail > phone +420 271 737 788

MAGTYPO is a member of Icograda Design Media Network

Icograda Design Media Network

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